Les vœux de la Cevaa
Crédit : Justia Bualuti Niangi (EEAM)
The President of the Cevaa community and the secretariat team wish you peace, serenity and harmony for your communities, institutions, and places of life in the year 2023. May God enable you to discern what is best for you and those for whom you are responsible.
Et voici ma prière : que votre amour abonde encore, et de plus en plus,
en clairvoyance et pleine intelligence, pour discerner ce qui convient le mieux.
Philippiens 1, 9-10
And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more
with knowledge and full insight to help you to determine what is best.
Philippians 1,9 – 10
Au Sénégal, un projet de reboissement qui rassemble la Communauté (2022) - Crédit : Hervé Grauling